Created by Baroness Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir, 11-Jan-2021
Last Updated: 30-Jun-2024 by Lady Deirdre Grenewode
The Backlog Deputy is one of the deputies to the Tyger Clerk of the Signet. The Backlog Deputy oversees and coordinates the production and delivery of Kingdom Award documents (colloquially called scrolls) that did not make it to the recipient at the time the award was given in court.
All gentles who receive scroll assignments from the Backlog Deputy will adhere to the policies and guidelines listed here and also in the Policies of the Tyger Clerk of the Signet document where applicable.
- Definition:
A backlog scroll is defined as the following:- A recipient receives an award in Royal Court with an award that confers a scroll with the award, but there is no scroll present at the time of the award to the recipient to commemorate the event. There are a variety of reasons for the scroll not appearing
- It was not assigned, or was not assigned with enough time to complete a scroll
- The scroll was lost in transit
- The scroll was damaged
- It was a last minute decision on the part of the royalty to give an award.
- A recipient received an award at a past event and the scroll has been misplaced, lost, or destroyed. The recipient of a backlog award may opt to privately commission a backlog scroll at cost outside of the East Kingdom College of Scribes; however, in such cases the recipient is strongly encouraged to notify the Tyger Clerk of the Signet and the Backlog Deputy of theSignet Office of such a commission to prevent the duplication of efforts.
- A recipient receives an award in Royal Court with an award that confers a scroll with the award, but there is no scroll present at the time of the award to the recipient to commemorate the event. There are a variety of reasons for the scroll not appearing
- Coordination:
- Backlog assignments are coordinated and assigned through the Backlog Deputy. Requests for specific backlog assignments (or current assignments) will be considered under the conditions outlined in the REQUESTS section in the Signet Policy document,
- Scribes must be on the Signet’s list of current scribes before they are given a backlog assignment. If a new scribe requests an assignment who is not on the list, the New Scribes Deputy must be notified and included in the communications with the potential scribe. This is done so that all expectations and procedures for the Signet Office are fully explained and understood before taking on an assignment.
- Tracking and Recorded Information:
- For a backlog scroll to be recorded in the Signet Office records and distributed after completion, it must meet the following criteria:
- The award must be already recorded in the Order of Precedence (OP) or in an official published court report, and must be for a scroll-bearing award.
- Completed scrolls bearing the signatures of previous Royalty but not yet appearing on the East Kingdom Order of Precedence are considered “live” and must be rescheduled by the Tyger Clerk for a presentation in court by the Crown or their chosen representative, in accordance with 1, above. It is fully up to the current Royals’ discretion on whether or not they will consent to present the requested award and is not under the purview or control of the Office of the Signet, nor the Backlog Deputy.
- If the recipient is not present to pick up a scroll presented in the manner noted above, the Signet Office or a representative for the recipient will collect the scroll from the Crown after court presentation for distribution to the recipient either through in-person delivery or courier/postal service.
- Scroll optional and token-only awards will not have a scroll created through the backlog process.
- Only Kingdom level scrolls will be assigned through the backlog. Baronial and/or territorial scrolls will not be created and tracked through the East Kingdom Signet’s office nor the Backlog Deputy for the Signet. All Baronial and territorial scrolls should be handled at the baronial or territorial level.
- The award must be already recorded in the Order of Precedence (OP) or in an official published court report, and must be for a scroll-bearing award.
- All backlog assignments are assigned a Backlog Catalog Number (in the format BL- ####) that corresponds to the assignment on the Master Backlog Scrolls Worksheet which is located in the Google Sheets portion of the Backlog Deputy’s Google email account. This tracker should be shared with editing access to the current Tyger Clerk. Backlog assignments are added via one of two methods:
- The award is listed as “no scroll” or “scroll forthcoming” on an Official Court Report from the Court Herald and it is an award or honor that conveys a scroll.
- If the award is listed as “scroll forthcoming” on an Official Court Report from the Court Herald and it is an award or honor that conveys a scroll, this item requires follow up. The scribe may have sent word that a scroll would be late or transport would not be available to the event. The Backlog Deputy and the Tyger Clerk often have to work closely in communication regarding whether a scroll was assigned, who the scroll was assigned to and whether there are mitigating circumstances regarding the scroll non-appearance. The scribe may have the scroll completed and just needs mailing instructions or the scribe may need the scroll reassigned. If the scroll is reassigned, it should be added to the Backlog. A live scroll that failed to reach court will be tracked and managed by the Tyger Clerk unless it gets reassigned and put on the Backlog.
- The recipient of an award reaches out to the Backlog Deputy for the creation of a scroll.
- These requests must come from the recipient themselves. Requests made on behalf of the recipient will not be added to the backlog.
- The award information must be verified on the Order of Precedence (OP) to confirm it has been read into court and the award details are correct.
- For any discrepancies in the OP, please reach out to the Shepherd’s Crook Herald and Tyger Clerk for assistance. This may require looking up information in archived court reports or scroll assignments.
- Once the conditions above are met, the scroll can be added to the backlog.
- The award is listed as “no scroll” or “scroll forthcoming” on an Official Court Report from the Court Herald and it is an award or honor that conveys a scroll.
- For a backlog scroll to be recorded in the Signet Office records and distributed after completion, it must meet the following criteria:
- Creation of a Backlog Assignment
When adding an assignment to the backlog, the following information must be recorded on the Master Backlog Worksheet and the corresponding tab:- Current Backlog Worksheet tab:
- Backlog Catalog Number – Should be in numerical order as items are received.
- SOSN – Original Signet Office Scroll Number, if available, to help track original assignment
- Recipient Name – As it appears in the OP. If the recipient has changed their name, Shepherd’s Crook Herald should be notified.
- Award – Name of the Kingdom Award, must be scroll bearing.
- Recipient Contact Information – Can be email and/or mailing address, used for facilitating scroll delivery.
- Scribe Assigned – Record of the scribe assigned. If a group of scribes/Scriptorium is listed as assigned, a single contact responsible for the assignment must be listed.
- Scribe’s Email – Scribe’s email contact. If a group of scribes/Scriptorium is listed as assigned, a single contact responsible for the assignment must be listed.
- Date Assigned – Date the assignment was sent out by the Backlog Deputy.
- Due Date – Initial due date is 3 months from assignment, see Deadlines and Check-In Procedure: section below.
- Award Date – The original date the award was given out.
- Event – The event the award was given out.
- Royals – The names of the Royals who bestowed the award.
- AS Year – Year of the Society that the award was given out. Note that the SCA New Year is May 1st.
- Check In #1 – Date and information from the first “check in”, see Deadlines and Check-In Procedure: section below.
- Check In #2 – Date and information from the first “check in”, see Deadlines and Check-In Procedure: section below.
- Award notes – Section of award notes, relevant information, or award wording
- Current Backlog Worksheet tab:
- Other tabs and sections of the Master Backlog Scrolls Worksheet used in the assignment and recording process:
- Assignment Template
- Template for backlog assignments sent to scribe. It is the condensed information the scribe needs to know for the assignment
- Complete/Kill
- List of completed backlog assignments.
- This is also used to record when a backlog assignment is moved to a private commission and is no longer tracked. A note of this change should be put in the “Award notes” section.
- Portfolio Inventory
- Current list of all completed scrolls physically in possession of the Backlog Deputy.
- These are all scrolls that have been completed, (optionally) signed, and are ready to be delivered to or picked up by the recipient.
- Need To Read into Court
- List of completed scrolls, usually from a previous reign, that were not read into court.
- These scrolls cannot be given out until they are read into court and/or recorded in the OP. See Other Responsibilities section below.
- Archived Complete/Kill from previous sheet
- An archive of completed backlog scrolls from the Backlog Deputy’s worksheet prior to 2017. This is imported archive data from an unofficial email account and should be used for reference purposes only.
- Assignment Template
- Deadlines and Check-In Procedure:
- Each assignment for a backlogged scroll will have an initial deadline of 3 months from assignment date, followed by a potential two extensions if the scribe needs more time (for up to a total of six months to complete an assignment). Scribes who exceed this time limit will be contacted by the Backlog Deputy for a review of progress, and may be subject to removal from the assignment by the Backlog Deputy. Scribes may also opt to receive alternate deadlines from the Backlog Deputy prior to accepting a backlog assignment. Assignments taking over one year to complete should be reassigned after a conversation with the scribe. Extension of assignments up to and beyond one year are allowed for extenuating circumstances only and must be discussed with the Backlog Deputy and Tyger Clerk of the Signet on a case by case basis.
- The Master Backlog Scrolls Worksheet uses conditional formatting for due date to automatically “flag” an assignment as overdue based on the Date Assigned column.
- Distribution Procedure:
- The Signet Office will not distribute any unsigned backlog scrolls on behalf of prior Royalty without the awards described in these scrolls having already been published in either the Order of Precedence or in an official court report
- A single replacement scroll may be provided at no cost to the recipient upon proof of record in the OP.
- Full contact information of the recipient must be left with the Signet Office for delivery arrangements to be made upon the scroll’s completion. Whenever possible, the Signet Office will try to obtain this information as early on as possible, to facilitate distribution of the backlog scroll to the recipient upon completion.
- Whenever possible, a good faith effort will be made for backlog scrolls to be signed by the original bestowing Crown. If the bestowing Crown is unavailable, then the current Crown “on behalf of their esteemed ancestors” may sign instead or the signature lines can be left blank.
- Announcements of completed backlogs may be posted to social media, kingdom newsletters, and/or other unofficial publications to reach a broad audience. All communications with award recipients in an official manner, including obtaining mailing addresses or contact information, must be done via the official Backlog Deputy email: This is to provide a paper/email trail for all scrolls and so that communication is archived in case it is needed by a future Backlog Deputy.
- For scrolls to be picked up at events, the recipient must contact the Backlog Deputy and let them know if someone else is going to be picking up a scroll on their behalf. This is done so there is an adequate paper trail of the scroll and in case it is lost or damaged in transport. Landed Coronets and local Seneschals are allowed to pick up a scroll on the behalf of someone in their local group and deliver the scroll to them. No prior consent is needed for Coronets or local Seneschals for this pick up option to be used.
- Presentations:
- Scribes turning in backlog assignments are to turn them in to the Backlog Deputy for recordkeeping purposes, and for the purpose of acquiring Royal Signatures. Backlog scrolls are not to be presented in court if they have previously been read into court and recorded in the OP.
- The Crown of the East may choose to present a completed scroll from a previous reign in a Royal Court, however this is at Their discretion and is rarely done. This is usually reserved for instances where the scroll was held so a recipient would be present for a court and was not read into court before the end of the reign.
- Any completed backlogs may be displayed publicly in an A&S display, scroll display, or online by the assigned scribe. Backlog scrolls are not “live” scrolls and the traditional practice around secrecy or surprises for these scrolls do not apply. Scribes are free to detail progress and share pictures of their creations in real time if they so choose.
- In the event a scribe has made arrangements to send the completed backlog assignment directly to the recipient, the scribe must contact the Backlog Deputy to notify them that the assignment is complete and is being delivered directly.
- Signatures:
- Forgery of any Royal Signatures without advance permission from the specific Royalty is strongly discouraged. Any instance of signing scrolls on behalf of the original issuing royals must be discussed with the Tyger Clerk of the Signet.
- The current Crown always has the option of signing as witnesses to a prior Crown’s awards and titles bestowed on backlog scrolls, provided that such awards and titles are already published in the East Kingdom Order of Precedence or a published court report sent to Brigantia.
- Additional Responsibilities
- Scrolls from Previous Reigns
- The Backlog Deputy will have scrolls from previous reigns that are delivered by the outgoing Crown or their designee. The Backlog Deputy will do their best to ascertain whether these scrolls have been announced in court or not and will take the steps as outlined above in Subsection 5.
- The Backlog Deputy in conjunction with the Tyger Clerk of the Signet will make decisions with regard to all scrolls and their disposition as physically possible, appropriate and with due respect to the potential recipient and to the scribe(s).
- Undeliverable Scrolls
- Undeliverable scrolls are held by the Backlog Deputy and/ or the Tyger Clerk for a term of no longer than 10 years.
- Scroll Blanks
- The Tyger Clerk and the Backlog Deputy maintain a collection of ready-to-use illuminated blanks. Though priority use is for last minute scroll assignments, illuminated blanks may be used for the completion of backlog scrolls.
- Backlog Portfolio
- The backlog portfolio is a physical large blank art portfolio that contains completed backlog scroll assignments, illuminated blanks, and shipping supplies. This portfolio is marked as property of the Tyger Clerk of the Signet, though the current Backlog Deputy can include their contact information in case the portfolio is misplaced or lost. This portfolio must be given to the new Backlog Deputy or Tyger Clerk within 1 month of the current deputy’s departure from the office.
- Scrolls from Previous Reigns
- Supplies and Reimbursement
- Though an in-person delivery of backlog scrolls is preferable, that is not always possible. A small amount of shipping supplies used for delivering backlog scrolls to recipients is maintained by the Backlog Deputy in the backlog portfolio. Both mailing supplies and shipping receipts may be submitted to the Kingdom Exchequer’s office for reimbursement with prior approval from the Tyger Clerk. Please note, any receipts must be submitted for reimbursement within 10 days. The reimbursement links and updated information can be found on the East Kingdom Exchequer’s website.
- Miscellaneous Policies
- Only the recipient, their verifiable, current close family they are in contact with, or a person designated as a contact by the recipient may receive updates on scroll status.
- If a person is sanctioned by the Board of Directors with revocation of membership and denial of participation while they have a scroll on the backlog list they are no longer entitled to that scroll and it will be placed on the kill/completed list with an explanation in the awards notes section.